Our Story
Kingdom Life is a non-denominational church that shares a building in Gas City, IN with Exit Church (CMA). We meet in the evening because we want to be a home church for many and “filling station” for others who are committed to another local church.
As a gathering of believers, we pursue the life-defining faith of Jesus in everyday life (Heb 12:2). We believe that Jesus is the model for the church’s ministry and that God moves and lives in the same way today as revealed in the Bible. Thus we worship, teach, and disciple with the expectation that God is present and will direct in all we do.
Core Values
We invite the Holy Spirit to awaken people’s God-given original design to see them come alive in Jesus.
We foster a culture where everyone has the privilege of ministering by the power of Holy Spirit.
We do life together as a family: belonging, being known, and loved.
We work together, doing all things with excellence and honor.
We experience the supernatural reality of God's presence and are transformed by Him.
Our Core Beliefs
WE BELIEVE that that there is one God who has revealed himself in three persons, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, equal in power and glory.
WE BELIEVE that Jesus is fully God and fully human, revealing the Father’s heart for his children. As a human, he lived the righteous life he lived and performed the extraordinary deeds he did by the power of the Holy Spirit. He willingly offered himself as a sacrifice for our sins and bodily rose from the dead and ascended into heaven.
WE BELIEVE the Holy Spirit was sent by the Father and the Son to indwell, guide, teach, speak to, gift, and empower the believer to live Christ-like lives and fulfill the mission of the church
WE BELIEVE that God created humankind in His own image, male and female, to be his representatives in righteously governing the earth and stewarding creation, but through Satan’s temptation fell from grace, bringing sin, sickness, and death into God’s perfect world.
WE BELIEVE that the Holy Spirit inspired the human authors of the Bible so that it is without error in the original manuscripts. In keeping with the teaching of the Protestant Reformation, we believe Scripture is the supreme source of our knowledge of God, though it is not our only source. Though Scripture is not our only authority (solo scriptura), it is, however, the highest authority (sola scriptura) that judges all others.
WE BELIEVE in the one, holy, universal Church, the mystical body of Christ, composed of all who repent of their sins, confess Jesus as Lord of their lives, and are regenerated by the Holy Spirit. Jesus is the head of the Church which he also fills. Jesus Christ committed two ordinances to the Church: water baptism and the Lord’s Supper, both available to all.
WE BELIEVE that God’s kingdom has come and is still to come because Jesus has come and will come again. The Spirit-empowered ministry of the church is to evangelize the world and teach and equip disciples to advance the claims and interests of God’s kingdom in word and in deed as modeled by the mission of Jesus and his disciples in the Gospels and Book of Acts.
WE BELIEVE that at Christ’s return He will bring about the final defeat of Satan, his servants, and their works and the respective judgment of the righteous and the wicked based on their response to the salvation offered in Jesus Christ. God will be all in all in his kingdom, the new heavens and the new earth, a world characterized by His righteousness and human flourishing as God always for his creation prior to the Fall.